The Parable of the Rich Man & Lazarus

March 26, 2023
Community Group Discussion Questions:

Growing up, and maybe even to this day, what comes to mind when you consider the doctrine of hell? What images, what questions, etc.?
Read Luke 16:19-31 — What is one thing that stands out to you from the passage or from the sermon this past Sunday?
What is the significance of Jesus giving the poor man a proper name (Lazarus) and leaving the rich man unnamed?
What things do you pursue in hopes of getting a “name”?
In the sermon notes, the points below are included regarding the doctrine of hell. Which point(s) do you find helpful? What is hard for you to accept? Be sure to look at some of the quotes posted in the notes to help explain each point.
  • Hell is filled with religious people
  • Hell is no laughing matter
  • Hell starts here and continues forever
  • Hell is freely chosen
  • Hell is disintegration
How does Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and the reality of hell form our understanding of the love of God? In other words, how does the doctrine of hell give us greater insight into how deeply loved we are?