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April 16, 2023
Week 1 of our series, RISE: A Journey Through 1 Thessalonians
Community Group Questions:
Community Group Questions:
- Read 1 Thessalonians 1:1 and Acts 17:1-10 — What is one thing that stand out to you from the passage or from the sermon this past Sunday?
- In the sermon, the theological concept of “the already and the not yet” was presented. What is this idea and why might it be helpful in this cultural moment we are living in?
- Paul is the author of this letter to the church in Thessalonica. Take a moment to read about Paul’s resurrection story in Acts 22:4-10. What stands out to you? What is encouraging and challenging to you?
- In Acts 17:1-4 what can we learn from Paul’s evangelistic approach?
- Read again Acts 17:5-10 — How would you have felt if you were a new convert in the Thessalonian church?
- Now read 1 Thessalonians 1:1 again — How do the opening words of Paul provide encouragement to this situation and to you today?