Traits of a Healthy Church

April 23, 2023
Community Group Questions
  1. Read 1 Thessalonians 1:2-10 — What is one thing that stand out to you from the passage or from the sermon this past Sunday?
  2. How would you answer this question…What does a healthy church look like?
  3. What traits of a healthy church do you see in this passage? Which is most challenging to you?
  4. Why is “turning from idols” such a key trait of a healthy church?
  5. Reread v. 4-5 — How do the truths contained in these verses help fuel a healthy church?
  6. Read this quote from John Stott and pray that by God’s grace we might become a church community of “holy gossip”…There is an important lesson to learn here…We should harness to the service of the gospel every modern medium of communication which is available to us. Nevertheless there is another way…it is very simple. And it is not expensive; it costs precisely nothing. We might call it ‘holy gossip’. It is the excited transmission from mouth to mouth of the impact which the good news is making on people. ‘Have you heard what has happened to so and so? Did you know that such and such a person has come to believe in God and has been completely transformed? Something extraordinary is going on in Thessalonica: a new society is coming into being, with new values and standards, characterized by faith, love and hope.