Prayer, Prudence, and Plans in light of Coronavirus (COVID-19)
March 12, 2020 8:33 PM
Dear CPWP family,
In light of the recent developments with the spread of the Coronavirus, I wanted to take a moment to inform you of our current plans as a church and next steps we can all take during this time of uncertainty and increased urgency.
Be Praying
Philippians 4:5–7 The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Would you take a moment right now to pray for all of those currently affected by the Coronavirus. Pray for those who have contracted it, that they would be healed. Pray for those in the medical field who are serving patients suffering from the virus. Pray for those who are making decision to help contain the spread of the virus. Pray for those working to develop a vaccine. Pray for those who feel overwhelmed with anxiety.Be Prudent
Proverbs 22:3 The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty. Our calling is not to panic, but we are called to be prudent. Through prayer and discussion, the staff and elders of CPWP have made the following decisions as we seek to operate with wisdom.- As of today (Thursday) we are planning on holding our Sunday worship service: This will be evaluated week to week as we monitor the situation and developments.
- Reminder to Wash + Sanitize Hands: We are kindly asking everyone in our congregation to wash/sanitize their hands upon entering our gathering on Sunday. We will have numerous hand sanitizing stations throughout the YMCA.
- CrossPointe Kids Ministry: Leaders will remind and encourage kids not to put their hands on their faces and to wash their hands thoroughly and often. Additionally, while it is always true that CPKids is diligent in sanitizing surfaces and toys, we are redoubling our efforts to care for the children in this way. Also, out of an abundance of caution, and in order to best serve the families and volunteers at CrossPointe Winter Park, we requesting any families that have recently traveled out of the country, on a cruise, or have visited an area affected by the Coronavirus to please refrain from checking your children into CP Kids for two weeks from the date of your return. Please don’t hesitate to speak to the CP Kids Director if you have any questions or concerns.
- Assess Your Own Health and that of Your Family: If you or members of your family have flu-like symptoms we are asking that you remain home and take care of you and yours. If you are feeling ill, please do contact us so we may check in on you and lift you up in prayer. We are also looking into live-streaming options so that you can participate in the service from home.
- Changes to Communion: We deeply value this weekly time to participate in the sacrament of communion. However, we are going to make some changes. Anyone handling the elements will be wearing gloves and the bread will be placed into your hands by the servers using tongs. The juice will be served in individual plastic cups.
- Changes to Our Greeting Time: For the time being, when it comes to greeting each other in and out of service, we are encouraging our congregation to wave, elbow bump, or share your best 70’s style peace sign.This will help remove the pressure of having to shake hands and continue to promote healthy hygiene. Please feel comfortable to reject a handshake, hug, high five, etc. And please, respond to one another’s personal feelings on the matter and accept their rejection with gentleness and respect.
- Events, Ministries, + Community Groups: At this moment, we currently do not have any plans to change or cancel any of our Community Groups or events. As we continue to monitor the situation carefully, we will keep you updated as more information is available. Each community group leader and host will is responsible to best make the determination for meeting together.
- YMCA Facility: We have been in touch with the leadership of the YMCA and are confident that they are taking adequate steps to safeguard the members and guests, as well as our church. We are thankful for the YMCA and all they are doing to maintain a clean and healthy environment. Should the YMCA close, we will evaluate the possibility and wisdom of holding services at The Branch.